Posts tagged Workplace
10 Things Scary Managers Do

10 Scary Things That Managers Do

In the Spirit of Halloween we are looking at the spooky side of leadership. Managing comes with its own challenges and responsibilities. If you do not manage your employees well, there can be some scary side effects... So let's examine what those might look like! Here are ten things scary managers do.

1. They don’t communicate the vision

Communication is a skill that leaders and managers must master. The difficulty is that they frequently fail to do so. As a result, employees are left puzzled, disappointed, and even frustrated because their supervisors aren't as clear as they should be when setting expectations for them. This leads to employees' inability to accomplish their jobs successfully without management's guidance.

2. They treat their folks like (only) extra pairs of hands

When they do that, they ignore their talents, gifts, experiences, intuitions, and applications to create a better result. You can see how limiting if the managers treat their employees like an extra pair of hands and that they’re the only brain that’s fueling them. There’s no innovation, collaboration, or creativity.

3. They don’t demonstrate trust

Micromanaging employees ensures no learning takes place since it isn’t okay to fail even on the tiniest things. They may not give them opportunities.  As a result, employees felt demotivated, frustrated,  terrified of making mistakes. Trust is an essential part of leadership. Trust the talents of your team members and their ability to do their jobs.

4. They criticize in public

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